Social Program
Opening Reception
When: Monday June 20 starting 18:00
Place: University of Helsinki Main Building
The reception will start with a short greeting from University of Helsinki delivered by Dean Sasu Tarkoma, and will be followed by a light buffet with drinks in an informal setting. We will meet outside the main building and enter the reception as a group, more instructions will be provided on Monday during the day. Please be on time!
Excursion and Conference Dinner
When: Wednesday June 22 starting 16:45
Meeting point to be announced!
We will board a private water bus at the Market square peer. The water bus will take us through a scenic guided tour of the Helsinki water front. Drinks will be available during the tour. After the tour, the water bus will take us to the island Särkänsaari for the conference dinner at Restaurant Särkänlinna. After the dinner, the water bus will take us back to Market square where we expect to arrive around 22:00.
Note that it will not be possible to come directly to the restaurant since it is situated on its own small island by the Helsinki seafront. In order to not miss the conference dinner, make sure you arrive on time for the water bus tour!